Three in a Row!
Gina Daniels and her mom Carol Snow were here this morning to visit from Rolla and she loves the visits from old classmates and friends. Those of us that are here are just trying to be somewhat entertaining when she wants to chat or watching tv with her when she doesn't. We have a set date for Tuesdays and Wednesdays for American Idol and try not to watch too much daytime tv so as not to rot our brains! Talk about a lack of quality television. I sure do miss my TiVo!
She is also starting to read more. She just began re-reading Harry Potter 6 so that she will be ready when book 7 is released this July. She and I have always taken the kids to see each movie and we are looking forward to movie #5 this summer too! Don't know if she will make it to the theater with me or not but I will continue the tradition and take all 5 kids with me alone if need be!
Well, I don't have a great deal left to say today, I have some knitting that is calling so I think I will get back to that. I will however post some pictures of the beautiful flowers Sandi has been getting here recently. We may have to bring in more tables soon, the room smells more like a florist's shop than a hospital room and we are more than thankful for that!
WOW I have so much to tell you, First school is almost out we about .5 days left. I am so exited to become a senior, can you believe it.
Next I wanted to say sorry I have not been able to get on here and right to you. It has been a crazy week.
We have finales, yuck Iam pretty sure I failed my math finale. Oh, plus my allergies are killing me, I really hate my noise, and my throat is full of guck, and my voice sounds HORRIABLE.
The Worst news yet, About a week and a half ago I found some spots on my skin, So I get to go to the doctor next week, yeah. The doctor was going to cut them out and send them in for testing today, But I was retarted and got my appointment time mixed up and got there 30 minutes late. I was forced to reschedrule. The doctor thinks it maybe skin cancer, You know it is kinda scary! ( I already went through testing once early this year 4 that, but it came back OK!, Hope this one does 2) I did not tell my mom yet I'm not sure how too, So your the first person I told. Iam really glad I have you to talk to, THANKS!
Oh I also got a SHOT in my butt today at the dr. that was different, it was also the first time of that. WAHOO
Now that I told you a lot of scary stuff, You hang in their you are an amazing lady and you still have a lot of life left to live. Plus, who else will I talk to! Thanks so much for all you do do and for all you have done, THANK YOU!!!!!
Hugs and Prayers
Austin Dinwiddie
P.S. Now that I'm out of school when you get bored you can call me, 24-7 remember!
I have read the blogs like you told me too. Great job writing :)
First off i have to say you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. We went to school together and when i got the link to your blog i cried. I was sad to read all that you have gone through. However, I then called my son into our computer room. See, my 11 yr old also has cancer. In March 2006 he was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. He has struggled with coming to terms with this. I showed him your blog and then had him read some.
You have inspired him to fight harder to get remission even though they say it will be years. I have never seen him so determined and the difference in his attitude has been remarkable!! You have become my son's hero!! At night before bed he always asks God to watch over you and your family.
Hey Mrs.Gaddy
Wow your room looks really bright! I bet thats a good change. Now the outdoors has come back to you. I cant wait to see you again. tomarrow is our last day of school! finally. We had a test in English friday, it wasnt to fun, i wish you could have been there though. It's nice to hear you are doing better and you dont want the days to be over. Maybe you can go see the Harry potter movie thats coming out this summer. I plan to see you sometime soon. But right now my horse is waiting on me, we have a barrel race to get to.
love ya
Abby steelman dont give up
Hi Kristi/Sandi,
I've been catching up on the blog entries whilst I sit at the airport in DEN (Denver, CO)on my way to PHX (Phoenix) for an IT conference this week. Isn't technology cool? I have missed out on a great deal apparently here in the blog, I was reading it over a late lunch. I can't believe its been 80+ days. Keep up the fight! Kristi, you do write well, grasshopper, most well indeed! And as REO Speedwagon says, "Time for me to fly". Gotta run. Jim Cobb, on the road from Denver Int'l Airport.
Hey Mrs.Gaddy! Those flowers are BEAUTIFUL!!! I bet your room is REALLY colorful now! 1/2 a day left of school! Then after that a few of us are going to eat then go swimming, so that will be fun! Who do you want to win American Idol? I like Jordin but i'm not really sure whos going to win. I'm praying and thinking about you all the time! I gotta go but we're going to come see you soon!
Love Always!,
Ellie Breaux :)
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Hey Sandi,
It was so good to see you Friday. Laura and I both plan on going up there again soon. Maybe next time we can leave the kids at home though!
I'm sure Mike already told you, but Joel and Mike and Lauren were all out at the same golf range Friday night. Joel called me and said guess who is out here with me, and he said Mike and Lauren. How cool is that!! Here we try to get them together and fail and by the grace of God they meet up at the same place/same time. How awesome is that! So I imeditaly drove out to where they were to see them. I know they exchanged phone numbers. And I know they have already planned on calling each other to go golfing together. Wow God is so awesome! Sometimes we have to sit back and let him do the work.
Well I guess I better get back to work. Its almost lunch time. YEAH! I will talk to you again soon.
With much love,
Cindy Baum
Hey Mrs.Gaddy! It is finally summer and we are all kind of sad about it. Well we took a really hard test on Fri. in English and we were all going to fail it but she was nice and didn't average it in if it didn't help our grade! So that was good! I'm hopeing that I will be able to come see you soon, and now that school is out I can come more often. I just wanted to let you know that a lady my mom works with has been prying for you, just because she has heard my mom talking about you. You are truly amazing! Well I'm glad to here that you are doing good, keep hanging in there.
Love Always!,
Ellie Beraux :)
Mrs. Gaddy,
I'm sooo sorry that I haven't written or comme to see you (yet)! I guess at first, it was just a little scary and hard for me to face but then I look at you and think WOW I should be more like her! I have been reading your blogs, though, and your room sounds like an oasis!
I have also just recently re-read all the Harry Potter books and am listening to the first one on tape. I am so excited for the 7th book! I'm not as sure about the movies though. They don't do the books justice.
I just got done watching a movie with my little brother and sister. ( I am baby sitting) It's called Fairy Tale: A True Story. It was fantastic! If you haven't seen it, the story is about two little girls who photograph fairies in their yard. But it made me think of you because the mom in the movie looks like you. It was a really great movie. I have to go and check on my brother and sister. You are such an amazingly strong woman and I admire you. You are always in my prayers!
Anna Leonard
Hi there Sandy--I do not even know what to say except my heart goes out to you and your family. The courage you are demonstrating is amazing and it is so apparant that you are loved by so many. To know you have touched so many lives must be rewarding. Years have gone by since our paths have crossed-----I have lived in Memphis, TN now for 7 years. I just want to say hi and that you will be in my prayers!!
God Bless, Courtney Wells (Gibbons)
I emailed your aol account as soon as I heard you were in the hospital (last Friday morning). I feel like a TOTAL idiot and awful friend for not knowing. I should've kept in better touch with you! I hope you will forgive me. I want you to know that I am praying for you and I know you can beat this. You've always been an amazing, strong and positive person. I HATE that this has happened to you! I absolutely hate it! Please, please, please let me know if there is anything you need or want. I will keep in touch as much as I possibly can. Get well!
Love you--Casey G.
Hey Mrs. Gaddy, I miss u sooo much! I cant wait to see u again i think i might come to see u tomarrow. I am watching American Idol the finale' I think blake will win who do u think? O tell your sister to post more often, i love reading new ones, its like getting a present. well gtg
luv ya keep fighting and please don't give up i know its been a long time but god sometimes chooses to work slowly, u know.
luv ya and miss ya
I really enjoyed our visit yesterday! You are such a strong woman and I cannot even begin to tell you how much I admire your courage, strength and determination. I am extremely grateful and thankful for your friendship! You are a hero to so many of us! As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Love you!
Sandi--I didn't know any of this! I'm too far away to visit (Kansas City), but I will write you soon and my family is praying for you and your family. Do you remember the last time we saw each other? Logan and Kevin were only two years old and talking about trains! I wish I could visit. God bless you, Sandi. Tell Mike, Kristi and your parents I said hi.
Jill (Sinclair) Beach
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