Short Trip Outdoors
Since it was a beautiful day and Sandi was feeling better than she has in days we took the opportunity to try to get her into a wheelchair and take her outside. Aside from the trip from the hospital to Walnut Lawn and the trip back and forth again for the thoracentesis two weeks ago it is the only time she has been outside since she was admitted to the hospital on March 1st. It is now May 6th and she got to sit outside in the sun for half an hour and she really enjoyed the visit. I know she has got to be terribly tired of sitting in a bed all day long every day. Every time I think of how tired I am of seeing these walls I think Sandi has got to be even more tired, at least the rest of us get to leave once in a while!
There is a courtyard outside the window of Sandi's room and there is one on the back of the facility that has a fountain that the kids love to play in.
Sandi wanted me to pass along the fact that she is up for visitors. While this is the call that many of her students have been waiting for, we would like to ask that you try to keep your visits brief and try not to come in large groups. She still tires easily and needs her rest if she is going to get stronger. If you would like to visit between the hours of 5-7pm that is the time that she is the most wide awake and she would love the company!
She is feeling pretty much the same and other than a few days here and there that she had reactions to some medications we are still hopeful that she will continue to improve. Each day she amazes the Doctors and nurses but those of us that know her always expect the unexpected from Sandi! Keep the prayers and thoughts coming, it brightens her days to get notes and cards from her students and friends!
Mrs. Gaddy That is awesome! I know you were probably sooo excited to go outside, it was really nice today. I bet you'll get to o out again soon to. that would be nice. School is almost out, like 15 1/2 days including weekends! finally. I think i will come see you this week i have been waiting for a while, I bet Mrs. Elliott will go to. well i really want to say more but it is 8:30 and I havent started my homework and i have english, your favorite, civics, and science to study for. Yuk. I have to give the oral book report tomarrow, wish me luck im nervous. gtg
Love ya
Abby Steelman
So glad you are feeling better. It looks like your time outdoors was very enjoyable. We think about you all the time!
Mrs. Gaddy,
It was really nice to know that you enjoyed the money from the fundraiser. You dont know how much it ment to me, specially when you thanked me.
It was nice to see you yesturday I have so much to talk to you about, But that would take up so many pages of your blog. Now that you have my Number you feel free to call me anytime, my cell stays on 24-7.
Thanks so much for everything you have done for me, I know that I say this in every letter but I cant think you enough. It is people like you that really DEFINE the word FRIENDSHIP!!!
The 2 lady's that were their with you yesturday, are they your mom and Kristi?
Hugs and Prayers
Austin Dinwiddie
P.S. Hang in there, I see ya soon. Oh next time I come 2 see you, I will bring prom pics.
Austin Dinwiddie
I just got linked to your blog. I wish that I had known that you were here in San Diego and TJ. I would have loved to have seen you and your family.
I will check in every day. Don't worry about responding if you do not have the energy.
I got your blog address from Ronda earlier today and just read all of it. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers! Something you probably don't know is that I moved to Georgia about 3 weeks ago...I've never moved away from Rolla and didn't think I ever would but Charlie got a job offer and we couldn't pass it up. We live about an hour from Savannah and yesterday took the kids to Tybee Island so they could see the Ocean for the first time. Anyway, take care and know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. I'll keep checking back for news on your progress. ((HUGS))
Shelley (Wells) Smith
Sandy, I just got the link from the class of 91 e-mail alert; I had not been on it since the reunion & had no idea you had been in the hospital so long. I'm here in Springfield & would love to visit...So sorry I wasn't in the loop--I certainly could help break up the monotony of staring at those walls. I will add you to my church's prayer chain for your continued strength & endurance!
Amy (Boone) Carroll
How are you doing Mrs.Gaddy???? Its great that you got to spend some time outside! I bet that you enjoyed that so much!!! I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better! I want to see you so much....Its been so long! Well, i have to go. I miss you and am praying for you,
Lauen Roy
hey mrs. gaddy. you and ur kids lk very happy in the photo of u guys outside!! I'm sooo happy ur doing better ur in our prayers always. Well i just got back from v-ball open gym. Oral book reviews are due tomorrow & i hate speaking in front of ppl!!! I miss u SOOO much and i'll be praying for you! I hope u got the Cd that i sent u
-- LOVE YOU TONS-- micayla miles
I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and have been since I saw you at the class reunion. I had no idea the battle you were fighting until then. I have to tell you that I was amazed at your strength and positive attitude. As a fellow teacher, I can say that I'm sure your students look at you with great admiration because of your outlook on life and its struggles. You were an amazing girl and now you are an amazing woman!! I will continue to pray for you and your family. God Bless You!
Tina Harris
Hi Sandy,
I've been keeping up with news of you from Connie's mom. Kathy and I think of you often. I was just thinking about our childhood sleepovers. I believe we even camped out in your backyard one night.
I enjoyed seeing the picture of you and your kiddos. They're cute.
From what I here you are a joy to a BUNCH of kids!!!
God Bless!
Kim (Gray) Graber
Hello. Sorry to be writting to you so late into things, but I just got the link from Ronda on our reunion site. Your story has been very inspiring and it sounds as though you've taken the treatment and healing path that God led you to.
As a teacher you've changed the lives of many children and as a classmate you did so to and I just want you to know that.
I still remember sitting in Mrs. Selbergs class with you planning our futures and though I ended up staying in Rolla and you went on your way to Springfield it was fun "planning" and visiting SMSU with you and your mom.
Please let your family know that they are in my thoughts just as you are. Mike may not remember me but I remember him from back in the skating days....maybe that will jog his mind that and the fact he worked for my dad at the skating rink.
Let me know if you need anything a couple hour drive is nothing for a friend in need. I will check your blog daily now that I have the address.
Take care, hang in there and stay positive....sounds like you have amazing support!
Laura Toman (Beck)
Hey Sandi & Family,
Just wanted to give you a heads up. Joel and I will probably be up there this afternoon to visit. I hope that is ok.
God Bless,
Dear Sandi,
I just got the link to your blog from Ronda as well. Haven't been on the RHS site in a while... I am happy to see that you are feeling better and continuing to fight. When I found out about your fight with cancer at the reunion I was floored. I just couldn't beleive that the vibrant young woman I knew was now having to fight for her life. It's a battle that nobody should have to face in their lifetime, but you can do it, you're a fighter. Keep your head up and stay strong. You are loved by so many people and we're all praying that you get through this. I will try to come see you soon...I will be back in Missouri in the next 2 months and you are my top priority when I get there. You are in my thoughts and prayers, keep your chin up and I will see you soon. Love you. - Michelle (Miles) Hallum
Hey Sandi!!! I just got your blog address from our reunion website. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!!! I am so glad we got a change to visit at the reunion and reminisce about our cheerleading days!!! I often think about the night we went to Joe's party and the rest is history. Can you believe that was 20 years ago? That is hard to believe!!! Sandi- you are an ispiration to me!!! You will continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers!! My e-mail address is on the reunion website if you feel like writing back. Love- Jeana Spradling-Bahr
Hey gal,
I just want you to know how much I have enjoyed our visits the last few weeks. In and out of naps you somehow always managed to flash that beautiful smile of yours when you woke up. Wow..I remain amazed in your inner strength. I was so excited to see you finally were able to enjoy a visit outside with your kids. I will try to get back up to visit you soon. Please know that I continue to daily pray for you, Mike and your entire family.
I also just got you Blog from an email from Rhonda. I haven't been on the RHS website much at all and haven't gotten down for a reunion, so I've been WAY out of the loop. But it was great to see the pictures of you (I knew you'd be a beautiful woman) and your awesome kids!!!! You are added to the prayer lists of my 8 year old daughter happened to be sitting with me as I ran across all this - she said a prayer immediately and will add you to her class prayer list tomorrow morning.
I'll continue to watch and keep myself in the loop.
God's Blessings!!
Jill (Warnsholz)Schmitzer
Hey Mrs. Gaddy just wanted to wish you a happy teachers appreciation week! I must admit you were one of my favorite teachers and I learned a ton in your class. Well I'm really glad you got to go outside that's great. You're in my prayers
Abbey Felton
Hi Sandi,
I'm happy to see you outside.We've had crazy rainy weather here in New England.Its great to see you and the sunshine.
We are all praying for you,
Love Debbie
P.S.I told you I drive a school bus--Its very rare students admire a teacher as much as they admire you!!
Just wanted to let you know how much Joel and I enjoyed visiting you Tuesday afternoon. You are so amazing!! God definitally put you here for a reason, you have touched so many lives, including ours. We are going to try to make it up there again sometime this weekend. I hope Mike and Joel will get a chance to go golfing together. We've been trying to get them two together for a long time!! Hang in there. Lots of love to you and all of your family.
The Baums
It has probably been 15 years since we've seen one another! As I read your blog, I thought, "Wow, what an amazing woman of God Sandi has become!" Even through all this adversity, you show such an admirable devotion to the Lord God Almighty. I think of you often and will pray for you daily! We're in TX now, so I just wanted to let you know you are receiving prayer from old classmates hundreds of miles away. We're far apart but close in prayer! Love, Jerri(Tennyson)Maddox
Dear Mrs. Gaddy
WOW, It is amazing to know that all your fiends were able to talk with you. I think the most fasinating thing is how some of your friends moved away, like that lady who lives in england. Living in England would be Amazing.
Anyway, I seen all those things and thought it was so neat that you had friends that were so dedicated to you. I guess it goes to show how much of an extrodinary lady you are. Hang in there and I will try and see this weekend, Sorry I could not talk on wednesday, but I was having a work problem and its just bad. Anyway just hang tite see ya soon.
Hugs and Prayers
Austin Dinwiddie
Hey Mrs.Gaddy! How are you doing? I hope that i will be able to see you sometime soon. there are only 3 more days of school! i'm so excited to finally be able to have summer break! i've always thought that it was kinda wierd that we are getting out on a monday, only half a monday too. It's kinda like why even bother going???? oh well, im thanful that its sooner then it would have been! well, gotta go to lunch so bye! i love you and miss you,
Lauren Roy
Hey Mrs. Gaddy,
How ya feeling? Mr. Queen is here right now and wants to know if u got your visa cards? We all love and look foward to seeing u soon he said!
Um well only 3 days left!!! I can't wait to finally sleep in. it will be so nice, and no homework! I think i might come see u soon don't know when though. I'll email u asking when to come. Sorry my spelling isnt to good but we are in civics and i dont have much time. In English we are doing Marketing, we had to do a commercial in class. Me and lauren did strawberry coca puffs. cool huh? jk. Have you ever heard of sucker days in nixa. i am riding in the parade. on my horse, with ellie breaux. well got to go the bell is about to ring.
Love and miss ya keep fighten and don't give up
sorry mrs.gaddy the last comment was
by abby steelman
Hello hello Mrs. Gaddy. There hasn't been an update on your site in over a week, so I hope everything is going ok. I just wanted to stop in and make sure you know that there's not a day that goes by that you don't cross my mind. Prayers are coming your way 24/7. Let us know, when you can, how you're doing. Love you so much,
Jennah Custer
My son had you in class and Jennah Custer's mom works with me and Jennah has brought you to my attention. I was wondering how I could go about having a Fundraiser through my store to help out.
My name is Jamie and I own Enlighten Candles and have recently opened a store in Rogersville. If you could contact me and let me know how I could help I would greatly appreciate it.
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