Return to Mexico

Hello from fairly warm and kinda sunny Mexico! We arrived at the hospital today for what turned out to mostly be a wasted day, but at least the weather was pretty nice. Looks like the rest of the week is supposed to be warm and sunny, so I look forward to getting out and around a bit each day. We will be here for a week this time, returning home on Monday.
Our flight yesterday was uneventful (though they had to hold the plane a few moments for us in Springfield, because we mis-read our tickets and hadn't gone through security when they called our names for final boarding!) and we arrived in San Diego by 6:30 local time. My sister and mom were already waiting for us in the hotel, and after settling in we walked over to a nearby seafood house for a wonderful (and yet, still on my diet as much as possible) dinner. This morning the van for Oasis picked us up at the hotel and brought us across the border to the hospital.
Now that I think about it, the theme for the day has been "wait", which Mike has had significantly more trouble doing than I have. Our van to the hotel was an hour late, for starters. We weren't really on any schedule, so it wasn't a big deal. Apparently there was also a pickup at the airport, and the plane was late. After we were in the van it seemed like no time until we arrived at the hospital. Once we arrived, however,we had to wait for our rooms to be ready. Our patient representative was there to greet us, but she had another patient, a brand new one, to get settled, so we waited for someone else to help us. This time. our rooms are down in the basement, or first floor, as it's called here. When we arrived at our rooms (we have 2, since we have extra people), the first one was occupied! We actually unlocked to door to find people who were supposed to be gone yesterday. So, we locked that door back up and the hospital rep took us to the other room reserved for us while they figured out what was going on. We looked around the new room, and it was not much different from what we had last time. A little better, maybe, but no place for four people to sit and visit. A quick decision was made to put us in the room at the end of the hall--one they don't use for patients because it's saved for the owner's family. It was nice--it had a recliner, a couch, and lots of room. So we settled in there and waited to see if they could remove the people who weren't supposed to be in our room.
Hospital people came in and out for various reasons, we filled out some paperwork, then they asked me not to eat so I could have a blood test. A lab tech came and drew blood, then a nurse took vital signs, and then we waited some more. A doctor came to visit, and a CT scan was ordered. It would be in the next few hours. Apparently I was not going to be able to eat lunch because of it. As we got settled, we discovered that the TV had no remote. A phone call was made to a representative, and we waited for that (not such a big deal to me, but it was to some people). I wasn't scheduled for any treatments, so we just waited for lunch. Mom and Kristi thought all the fresh food was great. We will see how long that lasts. I didn't get to eat, so I just watched. Then we went back down to our room to wait for the CT. We waited, and waited, and called to see what was going on, only to find out that the CT machine broke, and all the waiting was for nothing! At least I could go have dinner. So we waited for that.
During our wait for dinner, they resolved the room issue, and we had to move out of the room we were now settled into. That wasn't a big deal, except we had just THAT MINUTE gotten a remote for the TV (which , by that point, was pretty funny). So, now we are settled into two rooms. No couch, but a few comfortable chairs. We can all hang out in the bigger room, and Mom and Kristi will just retire to the smaller room for bed. While waiting for dinner, I started working on today's blog.
Finally it was time to eat! On our way to dinner I locked the door behind me, then immediately realized that I needed my supplements to take with my meal. I turned around to open the lock, and--wasn't this our day?--the key didn't work. We were locked out of our room. So, we had to wait for the nurse to come back to the desk, then wait for the patient representative to rescue us with a key that worked.
Finally we had dinner. It was NOT worth waiting for. Sometimes the food here is wonderful, but sometimes it is really strange. Tonight, nothing was identifiable. I was so hungry! I was very disappointed.
Now, as I write, settled in my room with the knowledge that I will have my CT first thing tomorrow (I'm first!), it seems like we have had a rather wasted day. Well, at least we got all that out of the way. Tomorrow should be much better. I have treatments all day after my CT, which should satisfy my mom's curiosity. She's been wondering what my treatments are like. Also, within a day or two, we should know if the tumors are regressing like they should. When I spoke to the doctor today, she asked me how it was going. I commented that it seemed to be going wery slow. She nodded her head and said, "Yes, it will seem very slow. That's because it's naturopathic. It works very slowly." I thought that was reassuring. Pray like crazy these next few days that things are going in the right direction!
As I read over this I realize I sound rather grumpy about this whole thing. Really, I'm not. It's just been a crazy day. I'm glad I knew my way around the place and who to call for what, or we would have run screaming from the hospital. What I haven't mentioned, is that I really feel pretty good. Compared to how I felt when we were here a few weeks ago, I think I feel stronger. Maybe it's my imagination, but yesterday's flights and treks through the airports seemed easier, and I was even able to walk to and from dinner fairly comfortably, even after a long day of travel. I am encouraged by this. It's so hard to see a change when I'm just sitting around at home. Speaking of that, even, I have been able to do more at home. It might just be that my pain control is better. Or maybe healing really is taking place. Keep praying! I need all the prayers I can get!
I'm going to wrap it up for today. I can't imagine that there's anything else to tell you all about. It's nice to hear the comments from those of you who post them, so keep those coming. I'll try to keep the blog updated all week. Talk to you all soon! Love, Sandi
Ok, I get to leave the first comment and will add a bit to the blog Sandi has posted. Mom and I arrived hours before Sandi and Mike last night so we got a chance to do some sightseeing in San Diego yesterday afternoon. We had a good time and even had time for a short nap before they arrived. We had a comfortable night before our adventure began this morning.
When Sandi says that it is a waiting game she isn't kidding. This is not at all like a hospital in the US where there are people in and out of your room all the time. Not to mention that many of the people that you do see don't speak much if any English. The people are very friendly and very accommodating however and we have all managed to be a lot more patient than we ever are in the US. There is just something about the slower pace that allows you to not expect things to happen quickly.
The meals have been ok. The fresh fruits and salads are very good even if much of the food is of unknown origin. The juices are varied, there is usually orange, carrot and something that looks like wheat grass that mom said isn't too bad but that the rest of us didn't care to taste. Something on the menu tonight was green and all of us took it thinking it was green beans and that would be comforting and familiar only to find that it was most definitely NOT. We will see how a breakfast goes, Mike wanted to order a pizza already and has been looking for someone to go get tacos with but mom and I are determined to stick it out and eat as Sandi has to. We will see how long that holds out!
Hopefully after a full nights sleep we will all wake up to a day where we don't get locked out or moved and the food is edible! Sandi has a busy day but it should be very informative for the rest of us! keep her in your prayers and we will keep you up to date!
Sandi: It sounds like you had a long day on Monday. You will be in our prayers each day. Keep up your strong faith. Gene
Sounds like a tough start for those of us with a case of serious impatience. But lets hold on to the dream of sandy beaches, warm breezes, and lots of salty water, ahhh...I am feeling better already, hopefully so are you guys. We will continue to pray, thank you for keeping us posted.
Thanks for keeping us all posted. You and your family are in our prayers everyday. I hope you all have a much better day today. Tammy Fitzpatrick
Ha, Ha, Ha -- you crack me up, but yes, you are in the land of 'Manyana' -- it forces one to relax. Right way God wants you.
Glad to hear the flight went OK, you're ALL settled in and dining on that wonderful food....better you than me.!!!
Uncle Roger & I have been dieting & working out and I am just 'dying' for a bowl of ice cream -- I look at my bowl of sugar free jello and just sigh.!!
BUT, at least I can IDENTIFY my jello ....
You know you're in our prayers, all of you. Carol, if you're out there -- just DON'T drink the water outside the hospital...
Love you guys, wish I could be there to enjoy your ADVENTURE.
Aunt Betty
Sandi, I hope and pray that all goes well for you. You and your family have been in our prayers and will continue to be. Enjoy the warm weather down there. It has to be better than what we have here. Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated. I always look forward to reading what is going on and how everything is going. Linda Keeth
Thanks so much for your updates! We're all so anxious to hear how you are progressing! You have so many people pulling for you, and praying for you! Don't forget that!!! Stay strong, and let God take care of you!
Love & Prayers, Carrie Keith
South of the border they are much more relaxed about time...maybe a good lesson for us all!
We're all praying for you and your family and anxiously waiting to hear how things are going.
Jane Entrekin
Hi Sandi:
I wanted to send a loving greeting (since tomorrow is Valentine's Day) and tell you that we had special prayer for you at our Church this past Sunday. It was a very tender time and the prayers were very moving. One of the ladies took my little prayer card and said that she would post this prayer request to all the members so they can be praying on a regular basis for you. That made me feel so good, and I am sure it does you too. We love you and your sweet family so dearly and send all our love to you. Love reading your blog and keeping up with your daily activities. May God's presence be felt all around you. Love, Aunt Sherri
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