Couple of Rough Days-But On the Up-Swing Now

It is so, so, so good to read the comments-thanks so much to you all for reading and sharing your thoughts. It keeps me so close to you all at home. As the title tonight mentioned, it's been a couple of rough days, but hopefully things are improving.
Yesterday, when I woke, it was very early and I was out of sorts--couldn't sleep, too weak to be up, restless, in pain. It was a terrible morning. They tell us that it happens in the middle of most people's treatments; these bad days. Mike really had to come through for me and he did. He put me back to bed, then went and got my breakfast, which is down a floor and required several trips for drinks and everything. I ate a bit, choked down my supplements, and slept for a few hours. Before I could settle down, though, I really fell apart--tears, whining, complaining, the whole un-Sandi-like bit. It was a very shameful low point for me. It took quite a bit of consoling and some prayers to bring me back to center. For all the work the Lord is doing here, I believe Satan is also working--no better place than here to fight His work and break His people. Anyone here will tell you of that belief. That may sound a bit far-fetched to some of you who are unfamiliar with "spiritual warfare", but many people will tell you it's real. Where the Lord is at work, Satan is a very real and powerful foe. We took the upper hand with the Lord's help, and today has been a good day.
Well, that is except that I had a reaction to an IV treatment, called Perftec, and it was unusual because most people who react do so on the first treatment. I was in bed having my treatment, talking to the doctor and everything was normal. Then the doctor left, Mike went back to what he was doing, and then I started to have these shooting pains up my back and down my legs. I told Mike to get the doctor, and I was calm. He said, "Why? She's halfway down the hall." I said, "Get the doctor! Now! I'm hurting! I'm having a reaction. Get the doctor!" He shot out of the room and soon a nurse arrived and shut off my drip. The doctor arrived and thought at first it was a joke since I had just spoken to her. She looked at me crumpled on the bed in tears, and couldn't believe it. I was afraid that it would mean I couldn't use the chemical any more, but apparently they can just give an anti-histamine and then continue at a slower rate. But, the rate was SO slow that I had to miss lunch. Then I had all my other treatments, which seemed to take forever. Finally they finished and I got to go eat. The meal, though tiresome, was prepared for me, and I ate my fill. It doesn't take much. They even make me a protein shake, at my request, and it's not bad. They are so kind here.
Arrangements are in the works for our return in 5 weeks. But first we have to get home from this trip. On Monday we will check out of the hospital complete with a new suitcase loaded down with a three month supply of supplements and meds to take at home. We will go to a hotel in San Diego where we will have to find our own dinner and pay for it, and after a leisurely night in what we hope will be a comfortable bed, we will fly home Tuesday morning. We plan to arrive around 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Springifeld airport.
Our return to the hospital in 5 weeks will be February 12. This time, Mike plans to stay at home/work and my sister is planning to come. Depending on the cost, my mom may come too. Might even make arrangements for Dad to come too. They can stay in a hotel nearby and have meals with us. Everyone is anxious to see what this is really like. The second stay will already be paid for, and the stay will last 6 days. Speaking of cost, have I mentioned how close the original donkey ball game donations came to covering the cost of the stay, which covers 5 years of follow-ups? The original donations were within $1000 of what we needed, and then several additional private donations covered the several-thousand dollar expenses for previous supplements, plane tickets, and so on. Those of you who donated-and those of you who wanted to and couldn't at the time--thank you so very much! This has been such a blessing. Knowing that we won't have to repay this money is a huge load off our minds. We feel so blessed, and know that this is what is meant by the Lord making provisions for his people.
Probably enough a sermon for now. Though it's been a tough couple of days, I don't want anyone to think I've given up. Tonight I feel stronger, and I believe we have passed through the hardest part. I still, maybe more than before, believe we are here in the right place for the right reasons. Healing has already begun. And, for those of you wondering, I am gaining weight. Almost back up to 115. Got down to almost 100 there for a while. To me it is a sign of other healing taking place. Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts, and comments. Some of you have sent scripture, too, which has been nice. I'll be signing off for tonight. I look forward to more comments! Love you all! Goodnight!
Sandra, My heart breaks for you that you have to go through all of this pain but I know you are going to win this battle. If any of us could take this off your shoulders we would do so in an instant! I know we have talked many times about how you believe that God chose to use your struggle through this to reach others so that you can share your strength and your faith. It is not much of a consolation but think of those of us that you have brought so much closer to him and how much we all love and care for you. We are all here praying for you now. We love you and if we can help hold you up through prayer in the times you are too tired to fight than it is the least we can do.
Sandi, I'm so sorry you have struggled so over the last couple of days. Wish I could help in some way. We will continue to pray for you, your recovery and to give our profound thanks to God and to all those that have helped you get where you are. Thank God for their prayers and their willingness to help so generously. God bless. Love Mom
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