Wednesday, and A Visit From the Doctor

Hi everyone! I know I am not updating daily, and for that I apologize. There just isn't THAT much going on. I know everyone wants to know how I'm doing, so please assume that if I don't update it is because things are the same, not worse. Progress is just so slow at this point. The treatment may be working, but only time will tell and we haven't been on the treatments even a week yet. I did have a visit from the doctor today with some positive things to say, but as far as how I feel...that's more or less the same as when most of you saw me last.
What the doctor had to say today concerned the CT that was run after we arrived. The good news is this: all of the disease is contained in the abdominal area, primarily the pelvis, and NONE of the pertinent internal organs are being affected by the cancer. After a four-year battle, I had honestly expected worse. There is no visible damage to the liver, kidneys, spleen, or lungs. The doctor sees what he thinks are cysts (benign) in some of those areas, but not tumors. That would explain why previous chemo didn't do any good. There is some pressure from a tumor on one of the tubes from one kidney to my bladder, and this is causing the kidney not to drain properly. He would like us to have that checked out so that we can regain use of that kidney, since it has always worked before, and he'd like me to get a stint put in the clear side to protect the well-functioning one. He doesn't see this as serious or urgent, merely something we need to look into when we get home.
Now, what most of you are probably wondering is, what's the prognosis? Is the treatment helping? Can this be fixed? Well, what the doctor said is that now only time will tell. They started me on the standard treatment, to which most patients respond. In a month they will want to see clinical results: evidence of shrinkage on the CT and tumor markers that are declining. If we don't see the results, we will change what we are doing and add some other things to my treatment. At this point, there is no way to know where we are headed. But we know that the damage is not irreversible, so there is definitely hope. They put a lot of store in faith around here. Please keep praying that the doctors here are given wisdom and healing abilities. I know that we were given the opportunity to come here by God's grace, so that is where I am looking for my help. I can never have too many prayers.
Treatments continue daily, and they aren't so bad. I generally sleep through them, then try to move around some afterward. The food is slowly boring me to death (just kidding) but I understand that my dietary lifestyle simply cannot continue the way of the rest of America. The food I eat here is what we should all be eating: fresh, wholesome, natural organic food. It certainly isn't very exciting, but if it keeps me here, then it's worth it. And I suppose I can cheat a little now and then. Besides taking treaments, eating, and updating my blog, I'm not doing anything else. So I guess there isn't much else to tell you all.
I miss everyone, especially my kids. I'm so proud of them, holding up so well. I've been wanting to do some writing, but I'm too interrupted with all the nurses in and out and so on. I guess that will keep until I get back. I have a wonderfully comfortable bed at home that I miss too. And somebody please remind me to bring my coffee and sweetener substitute when I come again-they won't give me anything that resembles coffee. I also need to bring a digital clock! Not knowing the time is driving me bonkers! Well, guess I'd better sign off. I love you all, and for those of you who contributed to the fund that sent us here, thank you, thank you, thank you. I know this is where I need to be. God has this all under control--and I will praise Him. Blessings to you all!
Oh Sandi, Ben, Em and I are standing here reading your blog and are very encouraged!!! YEAH!!!
As ALWAYS, you are in our every thought and prayer! Love Ya Lots, Us
Sandi, I am so encouraged by the information from your doctor. I also know you are there by "divine design"....the verse in Jeremiah 29:11 is what I keep claiming for you. "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil; to give you a future and a hope." It will be so wonderful when we look back and see what all of this has accomplished in each of our lives, and as you've said so often..'to give glory to God.' Bless you. And, a simple reminder of John 9 that you and Mike are very familar with. I love you. Carol
I am so happy that things are going well. Thinking of you always. You are a very strong person. I have always amdired that about you. Jami
I am so glad you are able to communicate with us. I check your blog everyday. I am so glad to hear the good encouraging news from the doctor. I do hope and pray for God to give the doctors the wisdom and knowledge they need. I can't wait to see you when you get back. Tell Mike I said hi. We all know God has put you guys there for a reason. I would like to share a passage with you Psalm 23: You, Lord are my shepherd, I will never be in need. You let me rest in fields of green grass. You lead me to streams of peaceful water, and you refresh my life. You are true to your name, and you lead me along the right paths. I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but won't be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd's rod makes me feel safe. You treat me to a feast, while my enimies watch. You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows. Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will forever live in your house, Lord.
Sandi I love you and pray for you everyday.
I think this is awesome that you are able to keep everyone informed this way. Thanks so much for the frequent updates. I know everyone back here is very interested in your progress. I'm glad to hear your stay and treatments are going so well and I hope you come back with amazing results, you are an amazing person. I am sure it's nice for you and Mike to be able to spend this time together.
Mike, the staff at Taco Bell misses you and can't wait for you to come back for real mexican food. First taco's on me! Do you have any english television or radio there?
Sandi, keep your eye on that guy and keep him in line. Stay strong as I will keep you both in my thoughts.
Chad Kramer
Love your blog -- it's so interesting .... and I had no idea they had so-o-o many different kinds of treatment. Better you than me, kid. I just don't understand why you're not throwing up MORE... You're strong !!!
Uncle Roger & I are freezing up here -- 5 degrees BELOW tonight, so at least you're a lot warmer there...
Wasn't it great that Carol Gaddy was able to stay with the kids.
God sure orchestrated everything for you. Even a local pizza place down there for Mike. God is GOOD.
Praying for your strength, Sandi.
Was good to hear treatments are going well. Love you both.
Aunt Betty
Sandi, Thank you for sending updates on your progress. I feel God is guiding you & your doctors. Reading your thoughts & seeing your strength has added to my hope & faith in God's guidance in our lives. Vivien
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