Thoughts on a Challenging Journey

A journal composed during the day-to-day trials of a prolonged battle with colon cancer, updating friends and family on treatment, attitudes, thoughts, and feelings.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A New Idea Takes Hold

Welcome to any of you who decided to come and take a look. Though I've never done this type of journaling before, I'm sure that if so many other people out there can do this, so can I. What started yesterday as an offhanded comment, "...maybe I'll just start a blog, and then anyone who wants to know what is going on with me can check in and read about it..." , was actually pretty well received by several friends and family members, and I was encouraged to give "blogging" a try. Though I don't know what kinds of things I will be writing about, I plan to use this blog to keep anyone who is interested up-to-date on the diet effort and weight gain results (none yet, need a scale!), doctor visits, test results, Mexico trip plans, recent health decisions, how I'm feeling, and those types of things, along with how the family is holding up under all this.

It is my understanding that readers can post comments and questions, so I welcome people's feedback. This might turn out to be kind of fun!

So I guess I need some information to start things off. It's Sunday, and I taught Sunday school as usual, but I did not stay for church today since I couldn't get anyone else up and around with me this morning. Also, I needed to get back home so I could eat. I'm not kidding, this eating business is SO HARD! You would think that consuming 2000 calories a day would not be a big deal, but when most of what I'm eating is supposed to be vegetables and lean proteins, it requires a bunch of food. Turns out that a serving (1/2 cup) of broccoli only contains about 20 calories. Same for most of the other veggies. It sure doesn't add up very quickly! Last night at 8:00 I was forcing down a piece of whole-grain toast with a tablespoon of almond butter (similar to peanut butter, which I'm not allowed right now) to push my day's count over the 2000 mark. I made it, but I was stuffed! I'm determined to try to eat more food, earlier, today to avoid the late-evening cramming.

I begin each day with a notebook and a pen, plotting out what to eat and when so I can be sure I get it all. Then as the day goes on I check things off my list. In 3 days it's getting a little easier to eat all the food, so my stomach may be stretching back out a little. It must have really shunk this fall. Food still doesn't interest me all that much, but maybe that will come. I try not to worry about what I will eat tomorrow. I'm taking this one day at a time. Someday this will be easy.

Some of you may not know yet, but after next Friday, I plan to take a leave-of-absence from work. My WONDERFUL school district is trying to cover my absence with donated sick days so that I don't have to lose pay, and both the students and faculty have been very supportive of my decision. My doctors feel like I am just expending way too much energy, so I need to mostly stay home and rest, allowing my immune system to do its job. I've finally agreed to comply.

On the third of January Mike and I will fly to San Diego, where we will drive to Tiajuana, Mexico and be admitted for a 12-day stay in one of the alternative cancer clinics there. We have chosen Oasis of Hope (, which looks perfect for our needs. Family members will keep the kids while we are gone, and we will go again 2 more times for 6 days each. We have high expectations for great results! We should be returning on January 16. I plan to keep in touch by email while I'm gone, and if this blog is not a total flop, I will try to keep it updated with news, test results, and what they are doing to me down there. But someone's going to have to let me know they've been here, so it isn't all a wasted effort! Well, that's probably enough for one day. I'll probably have more to say by tomorrow! So, until then, blessings to you all!

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Blogger Unknown said...

Sandi, What a great idea...It may help you too to write it all down. I will be especially whatching here while you are gone and now so readily available to talk...we will miss our conference
calls. Keep up the good work..Love Mom

December 11, 2006 at 7:18 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

it's not a wasted effort...sometimes channeling is what it takes and when the world is your audience, then channel away.

December 18, 2006 at 3:25 PM  

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